The electronic paintings are intended to be viewed as loops on large monitors
in the context of a vast gallery space, each piece on its own monitor.
They should not be approached as film (time-based),
as the events contained in each piece, both figurative and abstract, are not sequential but cyclical.
They harmonize with one another inside the frame in various rhythms and counter-rhythms.
“Fairy Tales From The Insubstaintial” - 12 Kinetic Paintings
October 2021 - UNCSA New Media building
Beneath the current imperatives, these digitally kinetic paintings wager on the knowledge to be gained from the Unknown and the Unexpected. Bereft of the quotidian contamination with didactically dictated pedagogy, bereft even of conscious intent, they aimlessly aim to trigger in you, honorable viewer, unexpected states of enigma and delight... if one were only prepared.
"Caesura" - 2 Kinetic Paintings
Introduction by John Olson
“Fairy Tales From The Insubstantial”
9th International Video Poetry Festival, 2021
“Fairy Tales From The Insubstantial” - 5 Kinetic Paintings
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, 2020
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art - group show, 2016
"Objects of Power: The Material Culture of Contest Memory” - 3 Kinetic Paintings
University of North Carolina Creative Lab - 5 Kinetic Paintings
"Fridge Art"
New York City - group show, 2014